Simply one of the other light hearted show from my childhood as it was a part of my daily lifes entertainment as after the school I use to watch it on television.
The funny commentary of the Javed Jafree make it much more entertaining.
The show is a reality show or can be said as the reality contest in Japan and is about that certain 100 peoples take part in the contest and have to undertake or perform certain funny tasks and small jobs such as collecting small balls from a pile of poop.
Wear long hippy styled clothes to perform the task and also a famous task called bridge ball where the person has to cross a very narrow bridge caring a golden ball in their hand to the other side but the guards of the castle attacks the person with shooting balls at him and targeting him thus finally ending the show with the chapter named FINAL SHOWDOWN the one who won at last would be given a cash prize but I have never seen any of them winning.
I simply loved to watch the show back then.