All my fellow Mouth Shut members who have a busy scehdule and
read only the opening words of all reviews to get an idea about
how the product is, the words are Highly Avoidable
Angelina Jolie plays FBI agent Ileana Scott, summoned to Canada by
the Montreal(??) police to help in solving the mystery of a body
found in a construction site with the hands cut off and the teeth
and face missing.
So the Canadian cops are shown that they are
good for nothing except for speaking French.
Straightway Scott disappears on arrival and the cops find her
lying in the grave of the victim, trying to figure out how the
victim felt. Maybe she is just trying to freak out the cops bcos from
that point onwards she is all normal i.e. if you ignore the fact that she
has the crime scene photos stuck on the ceiling above the bed.
To her credit, she figures out that there are other victims
and each victim is couple of years older than the previous one
and the killer takes their lives and lives in their house and pays
their taxes (thats my type of killer).
So therein lies the title of the movie.
There comes a break in the case when artist/gallery owner
Costa (Ethan Hawke) sees the killer at work and is able to
provide a sketch of the killer.
So now he has to be protected and guess who he prefers to be
his protector and no points for guessing what that leads to.
Well, from this point onwards I am not going to reveal any more
of the story.
All ladies please excuse the next few lines.
The high point of the movie is a sex scene between Costa and Scott
with Scott in all her glory. That is one great visual.
All Angelina Jolie worshippers, this is the high point.
Before and after this point, its downhill on both sides.
Ladies, you can stop excusing me.
Cast wise, Angelina Jolie is OK, Ethan Hawke is out of sorts
and Keifer Sutherland is wasted.
All and all its a waste of money.
Wait for the DVD to come out if you have to see it.
A brief post script for all those who have seen this movie,
Please answer these questions
Who was the guy under the bed ?
Why does the killers mother behave in a creepy manner ?
How can you make sure who dies and who lives in a high
speed car crash ?