If one wants to comprehend the apparent lunacy that has overtaken Afghanistan, this book is a must to read. The book is written by Ahmad Rashid who has been Pakistan correspondent to the International press on the affairs of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia, for decades. The land with many different people, once admired for their upright pride, strength of character and self reliance, is now imposed with a vision of religion so monolithic that it seemingly required blowing up the glorious Budhas of Bamyian the age old guardians of the plural heritage of Afghanistan.
The author records that the great statues had already suffered grievous damage when the Taliban took over the province. Ahmad Rashid describes Afghans “ brave, magnificent, honourable, generous, hospitable, gracious and handsome” and equally “devious, mean and bloody-minded”. He describes how all sides in the country’s cruel civil war thrust torture and atrocities upon each other – such as trying defeated enemies in the pits. The events described in the book clearly reveal too graphically why reconciliation is impossible at present. Ahmad Rashid has also condemned Russia and America to heat up their “cold war” in Afghanistan and also Pakistan where the terrifying disciplined young men of Taliban were trained in specially instituted Madrassa (religious schools).
The book also outlines the revival of the “Great Game” between western oil companies and manipulated by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as covert CIA operations. The prize, according to the author is access to the new oil fields and transit routes and for some the narcotics trade. Ahmad Rashid insists that Afghani factions must be brought to the negotiating table or he predicts a grim scenario – a Taliban-style revolution in Pakistan, continued isolation of Iran, an Islamic upsurge and instability in Central Asia and persistent Russian hegemonic aims in the area. The book is painful to read and but necessary to read as it gives detailed insight into the Afghanistan civil war, of the plight of the Afghani people and the conspiracy web woven by the world powers.