I am the lover of the all chines food items. This resturennt is aslo very nice. This is the very best chinese food centre. This become very popular chinese food. I have been here and here is the very nice arrangement like tables , chars and loghting etc. Is so very nice for all the people. The owner of tallgrass resturantes so many lucky to open this type of chinese food. The tallgrass resturantes is present in the andheri . Andheri is also very femouse and popular place in mumbai and mumbai is the femouse places in maharashtra. Sodue to the very femouse and popular this is the very costly resturents. This the bery nice but cost. So that why poor people are not to eat this type of chinese food. It is the best resturents in the andheri according to me this is the very best resturents as well as jogeshwari and goregaon also. So I like this resturent.