First of all, I am not writing this for myself. I do only simple things for my exercise and have been doing that for decades, so irrespective of the gym/space I can manage without help, even at my old age. But I just would like to warn new people about this place.
General trainers, are an endangered species here. There are a few, but you will need a telescope to find them, anywhere else other than in front of the TV, and it pains them to move themselves from there or from their hangout spaces. I felt, they give some attention for female clients. I am told they take care of clients also if they are paid secret monthly back hands, by client. Even for silly helps, one might have to wait for them to appear or go in search to find them.
The simple rules of discipline in a gym are absolutely absent here. Nobody carries towels - you will have to always look for the poor house keeping guy to wipe the sweat of another client, who just left the bench. No one is told to keep quiet. It will be a pain to concentrate. Chatters on mobiles everywhere/group chatters who talk and laugh so loud - even with trainers/ or groups of trainers chatting and laughing - like in a marketplace, everything that one should not expect in a pro gym
Only if you can afford a personal trainer - which I think they charge about 5000 per month extra upon the membership fees, you should join here. But I know more than tens of my friends, who left, because of how the personal trainer worked. It was absurd. Some of them are quite good and pro too.
And lots of their equipments dont work too. A young friend of mine mentioned that he can only jog or go just above jogging speeds, in their treadmills. You increase speed and it will show overload. Any other equipments, when not working, will remain like that for weeks/even months. If asked, they would say it is the problem of the head office.
Another interesting point is this Gym loves holidays. They seem to have more holidays than even a Govt. office.
Go to this gym, only if you dont value your time and money and if your only interest is to make friends and watch TV. And they dont care too. The daughter of my friend wrote to them few times, but nothing has changed.