Identity is conveyed through fashion, clothing and style by all of us on a daily basis. We can externalise our identity whether it be your ethnicity, personality or heritage through representation. What we wear represents or stands for us, or stands for something about us(Barnard, 2014). Furthermore, your subculture, political views, religion and many other social factors can influence your representation of yourself. Some will represent themselves with the purpose of attracting or in some cases, rejecting others with similar or different views. Fashion can generate and reflect changing power balances between regions, countries, groups, and religions(Craik, 2009). Symbolism is a powerful tool, with regards to religious clothing, iconography, propaganda, subliminal advertising and much more. Gender, sexuality and androgyny have been proficient in sparking controversy within the fashion industry for decades with people challenging the boundaries of identity and representation. you can find your all requirement in Talwalkars Gym.