Hello Everyone, Im back after several years and why? Personally, I was surprised to see rather "positive" reviews of "Tamasha" and I felt I need to do my bit to flip the coin to its other side.
OKAY, So do you like visiting Europe and gape in awe at its wondrous landscapes? Great!, then the first half is for you. You could ignore the story of "Boy meets girl" or rather "Girl meets boy". I am lost, help me types and the guy acts cool. I wonder why is it never the other way around. Like the boy loses his bag and the girl helps him. Never to be! So this is how the movie begins and follows with a lot of pretense fun that just seems plain stupid frankly. So some songs and dialogues follow to keep you entertained with pretty nature donning the background. I get the point - Corsica is now sold to Bollywood watching Indians and some of them will now plan a trip!.
Like all good things must come to an end(For the movie characters and movie watchers alike), our lead actress now returns to her homeland feeling heart broken on leaving the pretense fun with our lead actor. She misses her lead actor as the years go by and finally bumps into a subdued but successful and practical version of him a few years later. Of course, she cannot bear the shock of seeing him this way and ends up screwing up his life.
What happens then on and how our lead actor copes up? Well! for that you need not watch the movie. It would be better to invest that time and money into something more productive.
The songs are better forgotten. I did sleep midway in the second half and did not bother to ask what I missed.