Live in R.S.Puram, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, Coimbatore.
Today there was a power outage at my home. We called local fuse of call office around 3.30 p.m. The phone was answered promptly within first few rings. The person took the complaint promptly and assured that it would be attended immediately. Within 10 minutes two people in uniform came to my house.
They found a loose wire connection on the pole. On of them went out and switched off the transformer; the other climbed the pole manually and set right the connection. He also attended all the other connections on the pole. He came down and signaled the other man.The transformer was switched on. I had power supply resumed. It was all over in the next 5 minutes. They checked whether I am having the power supply and went away immediately not even waiting for even a customary thanks.
No tips / bakshi / mamool. Yes not even waited for a thanks from us. I feel this should get recognized