Hello guys today . I going to present my view on tamilmatrimoney.com .this is my personal view on this product if any body has any type of obligation with my view comment below I will answer .i had a account in tamilmatriomony.com but after a incident I deleted my account and I filed a court case against them .but they cheated me .as I said I had account in tamilmatrimoney.com .
First of all it is neither a good site for finding a groom/bride or nor a good site to upload your details or picture of yours etc. they will play fraud with .i was looking for bride so I made my id in this site after one week I got a call from this site and they gave me address of bride family and showing me some picture of bride . so I went there with my mother and uncle first of the picture and the detail they gave to me were wrong they make us fool but we spent lot to reach at their address so we standed for sometime .i saw the bride which was different from which they showed to me .but when we drunk there cold drink there is something in cold drink by which me my mother and uncle was became out of control .they stole our money, watch, purse jewellery of my mother etc. this is such a fake site dont ever used this one in your life . otherwise you will regret .thanks