Whenever you visited any Gulf returnee’s house, it was common, that you would be served Tang as refreshment. Like many others, the first few times I had Tang was at such places. I would marvel at the delicious taste. More often then not, I have been served the orange flavored beverages.
Now Tang is available in the Indian market as well, giving a chance to those who eyed it ruefully like me, to drink it to your hearts content at home. And you don’t find much difference in the Indian one as compared to the ones that come from foreign countries. But as far as I know, manufacturing in India has been stopped, as it is not doing good business. But the sale of produced goods is still on. And guess who is eyeing the manufacturing plant, none other then our “I love you Rasna”.
Tang is a powdered soft drink, the makers call it a blend of nutrition with convenience, offering families around the globe, a great-tasting beverage. They claim it provides a nutritious and real fruit-flavored drink. It is available in different types of packaging.
Tang was originally marketed as an instant breakfast drink and touted as the drink that was developed for astronauts. And this is the reason why; Tang is fortified with a number of vitamins.
During the hot season, this is a real cool hydrating drink for kids and grown-ups too. I know having fresh juice is nothing compared to any artificial drink. But to make fruit juices the whole daylong is inconvenient. I prefer to give my boys Tang (6 years and 2 years) rather then giving them some fizzy drink. It is very easy to make and I normally use the orange flavored one. Just add two teaspoons to a glass of cold water and voila your drink is ready.
Add a teeny weenie pinch of salt to the drink; it helps one hydrate after a sweating game out in the sun. Children love the tangy taste. I would love it if I were 6 years old. Not that I don’t like it now. I do. After preparation it should be consumed soon enough otherwise it tends to feel a little different in your mouth. See that it is cold/cool enough as it is undrinkable when warm. The vitamin C is also healthy for hyperactive children. Here’s another way of enjoying it, prepare a Tang drink, a bit stronger than usual, pour it into iced candy molds, and put in the freezer. Your kids can have a real treat. Nothing like it on a hot summers day. I too love it. Don’t you dare tell anyone… LOL
Serving size: 2 tsp. (25 g.), Calories: 90, Total carbohydrates: 23 g., Sugars: 23g.
Powder + water = juice, but this equation is not always applicable with tang now, as I have heard that they come up with ready to drink pouches.