I went to tapakeswar temple in Dehradoon .It is in a beautiful location .Green trees and hillocks and of course stream and waterfall beautify the location .First we parked the car and through stairs descended downstairs .Then saw a nice gate of the temple of Lord mahadev. We paid darahan .Shivlingam is in a room and monkeys are sitting here and there .
By the walls of the temple sprinkles of water are flowing. then we visited other temples like santoshi temple, vaishnadevi temple on the tapakeswar temple premises .In the evening aarti and ringing of bell will give you an enchanting feel. We offered Prasad and witnesses the beauty of the temple just when darkness descended .Purling river and its sound created an amazing aura .We visited laxminarayan deities .Its a beautiful place .In Dehradun its a must see .