Ya ya u have seen the rankings and heard about it from ur pals and teachers but has any of them have studied in the Tapmi? I guess not ........Its very easy to say that a particular institute has got this accredition and that because the parameters arent strict...
Before joining Tapmi I tried to get hold of its alumni or any person who can tell me anything about it but I couldnt thats cause I was unfortunate. The institute suffers from many drawbacks the major being The infrastructure, Its location , Lack of industry interaction and the mentality of the administrative council;they are only intersted in politics and doesnt care about the students and their problems.
The hostel facilities are pathetic. The obsolete computers are a headache
If you are doing MBA for learning u can forget Tapmi cause it will be only the donkey labour for two years.
The job I got was 40, 000 per month but it included my cabin charges, my rental, conveyance etc what I get is a meagre 20, 400 in hand. After spending nearly 5, 00, 000 and two years u feel betrayed.
Few days ago one of my friends got an interview call from tapmi I was not sure what to tell him as he seemed quite excited. I hope nobody falls into the trap of the false advertisements that these inst. and MBA guidance centres , They are only interested in ur money.
I suggest that if u have a job dont leave it for tapmi.
The city or should I say village of manipal is a very boring place and no major industries around for summer internship ....
The adminstration is highly beuracratic with government office like environment.
I dont recommend this college to anyone who value 5, 00, 000 and two years cause its a total waste....