So finally we are graced to watch another yashraj movie set in manhattan, the twist is its also shot in queens, so get ready to see reality bollywood style as the american dream of a shiny suburban house, 2 kids and a dog is brought to bollywood on a race track platter with a nasty white villain who is called RUSTY while the king of racetracks saif is pv, ofcourse rani is his queen who plays piano and sings awful songs through out to keep the meagre plot meandering but to no avail as the director forgot the script at home and it seems like lady luck is going to not smile too much on this dumb and boring movie .
the two kids are princess and champ and they ham but less then their parents, one of whom is an international no I grand prix racer [micheal schumaccher ]but within one year of being fired after losing 10 races because he loses his nerve after a rusty designed car crash, he goes bankrupt and has to lie to the kids and dogs that they are going to play a tv reality show as poor people [sob sob ]and then move into a rusty apartment in queens from manhattan, after their stuff has been auctioned including the wedding rings[more sobs ], even your maid will have more jewellery than rani has in this dumbass movie as the wife of the no.i car racer in the u.s.a,
so then we have sacrifices and tears galore and more songs while the mum and dad starve to keep the kids in their posh schools and cant feed the dog so saif dumps the dog in central park after having one of the dumbest conversations with the poor animal who looks relieved to get out of this mess and as the kids wake up to find the doggie has mysteriously disappeared in the morning I walked out of the preview as even the two girls with me were too fed up to withstand this crap anymore .
by the way the apartment in queens has no running water so the kids have to go and bath in the public fountain with the doggie .while singing a song and cant afford to eat pizza even the cheapest food in new york .
if this doesnt give you the hint by now then go ahead and see this mess which is the worst yashraj movie after bunty and bubli and neal and nikki not that ive seen them but the two girls told me so, the kid is master haji ali who was so cute in FANAA, but in this he irritates more then the dog so you can imagine what the rest of the acting is like, as for me I got out with the dog and im just as lucky as the dumped dog .
now im too pissed off to talk anymore and the thrilling races were utter disasters as were the expressions on ranis face as her great racer hubby tumbles upside down on the race track in the horrible red car and RUSTY gives us a wicked sneer, which I think was meant for the moron who wrote and directed this shameful disaster .
the songs were absolutely tuneless and all sounded alike with rani trying to look like mozart and beethoven on the piano and the cameraman was too obsessed with the newyork skyline as well as the brooklyn bridge to concentrate on any of the non existent characters, but he did manage to shoot a song in the middle of queens with the entire community dancing in it and that was nachle nachle, the most origonal lyrics ever written with stunning choreography, as every drug junky in queens is seen desperately trying to step up with the impoverished family and their doggy in their designer clothes and ranis permed blond hair which never loose their sheen come rain or hail .
now I must go to sleep after a valium as ive got a headache after writing this but if you want to suffer my fate go ahead and try the three course yashraj meal which seems to have burnt in the oven as its not even good enough to be called half baked
cheers and dont say you havent been warned .lol
nb inspired by mainly
cindrella man -renee and crowe had 3 kids .we have a dog instead
pursuit of happiness
days of thunder
bobby deerfield
do bigha zamin
mother india
etc etc