Tara ram pam pam ..a family movie..two kids and mummy pappa... and yeah a car race in US, first they loose and then come as winners due to great indian
phamily bonding. Do I need to see the whole movie to tell you the typical plot and the same old we indians are the best theme. Yash raj films to Bollywood oops sorry copywood...when will they understand, people outside of film studios have also over a period of time developed brain cells to think whats Hollywood and copywood.
They are trying to sell on great Indian family bonding PLUS the masala and thrills of the west. Considering we indians don’t think thrice before producing kids in numbers...the movie will do good in multiplexs as we indians hardly have anything else in life once married and just waiting for our kids to do well in studies, get married and then wait for our death...in between we have to see these movies to keep our phamily life going.
AS we indians are phamily oriented society and there are lots of phamily spirit in the movie..it WILL do well.. Good luck to you all who will this weekend watch this movie with your phamily..
Please remember one thing, after seeing the movie..DO NOT THINK of expanding your phamily but it will be ok to keep the great indian phamily spirit going...hehehe..gotcha :0)