Browsing is a hobby. and Browsing for recipes is an even more
interesting hobby. Of the many sites that I am a regular, is a favourite. Below, I list the points for
and against the site
*The site aesthetics are pleasing and non cluttered.The content
is organized well.
*The front page displays one new recipe everyday.
* There is a Tip of the Day Column.
* Registered members have access to may scrumptous recipes.
* One can sign up for a fortnightly newsletter of recipes
* Registered members can maintain their own cookbooks.
* One can even shop for kitchen articles
* There is a search by ingredient feature. Using this one can
access the recipe database for a recipe of choice.
* The Kids section, The beginers guide, Quick cooking and many
more sections are worth exploring.
* Registration is required to access most of the recipes.
* There are three types of memberships Regular, Silver and Gold.
The latter two are paid memberships and have more facilities.
* The recipes which are no longer free are automatically
deleted from your cookbook!! This happened to me!
But then, after weighing the goods and the bads, the site is a
fairly good one. I have tried some of the recipes and the
results were good. Trust me!!