Tashan without no doubt is 2008s most hyped release, since the movie was announced gossip about the movie started. The Akshay/Saif combo is back hyped started not only that people where excited that Akshay Kumar was doing an action movie again. Also it has the factor of Kareena Kapoor and Saif ali khan the two new hot couple. Tashan was the most hyped and awaited movie of 2008. Let me get things straight first, Akshay kumar fans do not get over excited Akshay kumar is doing an action movie, because my friends Tashan is not an action movie it’s the same old thing again it’s a comedy. The movie has only two action scenes and the whole film is a joke feast. Its basically “Welcome II”, The Anil Kapoor character seemed just the same with the same old jokes, same Akshay Kumar jokes, Same jokes from Welcome from Anil Kapoor, same look from Anil Kapoor, Basically having two fighting scenes does not make Tashan an action film. But did the film meet expectations and to be the best film of 2008? Sorry this is a big hell no!
The story is very weak it starts of with Kareena Kapoor Conning Saif Ali khan so that he can steal the money from Anil Kapoor. Saif Ali Khan is Anil Kapoors English teacher and Kareena Kapoor works for Anil Kapoor. Saif and Kareena Fall in love and she needs money so Saif Steals money from Anil Kapoor. He leaves the money with Kareena Kapoor and she is off with money leaving Saif Ali Khan to take the beating from Anil Kapoor for stealing the money. The search for Kareena Kapoor and Anil Kapoors money start Anil Kapoor gets Akshay Kumar to go With Saif Ali Khan and Search for Kareena Kapoor and his money. They find her but they soon work as a team to destroy Anil Kapoors Empire and keep all the money, Also Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor have a twist in there story, as they knew each other as kids and feel for each other as kids, so they have there own love story. Also Oh yes I forgot to mention it is also a revenge film because at the end randomly Kareena Kapoor Tells Saif Ali Khan that “Oh yeh Anil Kapoor killed my Dad when I was young and stole all his money and also I viewed it with my own eyes” now she wants to take revenge for it, So At the end she kills Anil Kapoor and Anil Kapoor dies.
The thing is you do not know when to take the film seriously, weather its an emotional scene you still laugh a little, or weather it’s the two action scenes where it is laughable as they over do it. Or weather it’s the main Villain talking(Anil Kapoor) because he should really be Joker for batman. His English talking is very funny and with each line he says… everyone laughed. Yes he sold of being funny, but being a villain everyone hated I don’t think Anil Kapoor sold that off, even when he dies when it was suppose to be a serious moment he said some funny line which got the audience laughing. Yes the film is funny at parts, but it is just as stupid in the rest, the cover of the movie looked like it will be an action movie and what did we get? Yet another comedy, many people walking out the cinema I heard where saying I thought it was suppose to be an action movie. Evan in interval when Kareena pops out the water like it was meant to be an “Oww” our an “oh my god” moment but it was laughable because it was so unrealistic and stupid.
But the film had 3 Good performances from Akshay Kumar, Saif Ali Khan and Anil Kapoor also did well. But this is strictly ranked as comedy performances not anything new from them. Anil Kapoor as the funny Villain does make you laugh a lot but then again it became annoying after awhile, decent performance from Anil Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan was funny at time, but his serious scenes where not very impressive he didn’t have to do much in the movie, average performance. Akshay Kumar the show stealer of the movie, by far not even close to his best work he has done he did decent in this movie for the comedy scene. When he first came in to the movie with his ravan act he got a lot of cheers. He was a breath of fresh air to a terrible 25 minutes of a film. But he has done nothing new people so what he did in welcome, Hey baby, Phir Hera Pheri it was some what the same. Just instead just like Nameste London he doesn’t know English and was a little shy, but those are what make his character funny he is between two people who are modern(Saif and Kareena) and he is not. Kareena Kapoor was there to look nice in a bikini that’s all, her emotional scenes where laughable and she was a little funny at times otherwise she did nothing great.
One good thing I liked about he movie was the Akshay/Saif Jodi I was hoping they would be alone in many scenes so we can all re live there Jodi again, and there is many times where you remember there old Jodi and it clearly shows. I just sometimes wished the whole film was based on those two. The scenes they have together were a laugh riot and they have gone funnier and grown a lot and become big stars that they weren’t before when they where working together but yet they still make a great duo. Good to see the duo back again and showing us what we want to see, (Akshay Kumar bullying Saif Ali Khan).
The music is nothing great, the White girls track was funny everyone laughed for that, sorry I do not know how the song goes something about “white Cheera” where they are shooting for a Hollywood song done bollywood style and Saif/Kareena/Akshay are all dressed up funky. That song got a lot of laughs, otherwise music was nothing great, for a big film like this I expected at least one good song, I got zilch.
The action is laughable, apparently you can have 30 men firing at you for 10mins and you can not get shoot. you can run at them as they got you in a circle and jump like a monkey with no gun and kick there behinds. Also 30 men have you circled and firing at you and they all miss you as they fire when your near there face. Action was cartoon-ish. You just could not take it seriously the audience laughed at most the action so there you have it…The action was LAUGHABLE
Overall go watch it if you want to see Saif Ali khan and Akshay Kumar’s combo back again. You will get those scenes that we use to remember from “To Chor Mein Sipiye”, “Main Khiladhi tu Anari” and “Keemat”. Overal not a great story and nothing new miss this one.
*(2 stars out of 5)