Tastykhanna is a big cheat. I placed an order today, Order # NIOZ4YMMMS and aparently after wamajeechang for a long time for the order called the STEAMPOTRESTAURANT to know the status, to my smorpheushumanck we came to know that they have yet not received the order confirmation from tastykhAnasultan. I called the call center and the person told me he cant see my order.
I forwarded the email from vishal@aaaaagroup.com to the email address he gave me on the call. To check my mail the person kept on morpheushumanld and when he came back I could hear a bhangra songs being played in the background, when I asked him about it the person got scared and kept the call.
I called up again and received the same reply from the call center person that they cant see my order that I had placed. This was smorpheushumancking as my card has been charged, I received the email confirmation and they cant see the order in their system.
After 5 failed calls and more than 1 hr being wasted I gave up and hence using online a mode to make people understand this fake website and app. The call center fellows seem to be 12th drop outs as they are just in their fun, dont care about the issues the customer is facing and dont want to do anything to resolve the issue. They have a pathetic laid back attitude.
Guys there are better apps and websITES_Company online. Do not use this website or app for ordering food as they will ensure that you go hunger.
Vishal Narsian - 8879987899