My name is S.B.Sinha. I have not been paid a meagre sum of 1800/- by TATA AIG VIDE CLAIM NUMBER Claim no. 851144_ raised for my wife Shobha Sinha
I paid TATA AIG for the last six years in their Health and sickness insurance policy for me and my wife.This year my wife went through ANGIOPLASTY and stenting. It costed me a round 2 Lakhs.
TATA AIG had to provide just 18, 000/- by way of daily FIXED fees of Rs 18, 000. I provided them with all my bills but they have till now not paid this
All the insurance companies are simply interested in making BIG payments as the CUTS are distributed across all the stake holders.
I have now decided not to buy any insurance policy. I would rather put a fixed sum in my bank a/c which will contribute to me in case of my needs and will be under my control. In any case we need insurance only once in may be 10 years so why pay the insurance companies. Rather keep wit your self.