My brother bought AIG medical policy 0200638554 on 28 July 2015.When My nephew admitted in hospital on 11 April 2016 for stones issue.Hospital applied for cashless service.But our claim was denied with below information.
Cashless facility is denied, since treatment of presenting ailments is two years exclusion under members Medi Prime policy-Section 3.C.1 calculus diseases of gall bladder & urogenital system, surgeries for GB/bile duct/urogenital system other than maligancy.
But this was not mentioned when we bought the policy and I dont see this in medi prime exclusion.
We are following with AIG people for the same but unable to get any response.I have been calling their office everyday and get the same message daily that I will get a call on same day.But I am unable to understand what is the definition of same day for AIG employee.Now I am tired of all this.