Im Lalit Kumar policy. No. 0287832457/member id no 31736792901032 the customerof AXIS BANK //TATA AIG to till date, As clarified by your authorities that Isafeguarded for 3 Lakhs, and will be paid for my medical problems assuming any.On my evil destiny I endured some sickness on 02-11-2019 and was conceded inSmt. Satya devi Memorial Gupta Hospital Budhlada which is a NON/NetworkHospital . I submit repayment guarantee archive in zirakpur office(TPA OFFICE)After SOME day a Person VAKEEL SINGH withno approval latter last deputed for my examination he asserted that heoriginated from Bathinda from J.D. health care service who is assuming a job ofTPA TATA AIG MEDICARE He cross examined me, andcompromised me for refusal of endorsement on the off chance that I assume toimagine in any way. Sir it was his and your considerationregarding hassle me or fill quantities of structures which I was power to fill.It isnt great on compassionate grounds moreover. Sir I obtained this approach on thebase of AXIS BANK/TATA AIGs notoriety, on buy I was not clarified that a firmby name of J.D. HEALTH CARE SERVICE will disturb me Such sort ofmala fide practice isnt mediocre. I am writing this mail in order to ask youthat is it your company policies that anyone without documents or any proof canvisit and survey. I have beenconfronting this issue an arbitrary individual professing to be your workerhowever having no archives visited me for review, I didnt had a sense ofsecurity and classified about it.