With reference to the above TATA Aria Pride 4 x4, purchased on 16/06/11 and running Kms about 43, 378, we regret to inform that,
We have purchase the super model car for about Rs. 18, 50, 000/- . We have believed that the car will be run trouble free for a minimum of 1, 00, 000 Kms and (or) up to the period of 36 months. we have paid the payment for extended warranty of additional 2 years also.
But unfortunately, we have cheated by the TATA Motors by selling very very poor quality car to us. The performance of the car is very worst. By seeing the history of the service details of the cars, we can understood what is the quality of the materials and service provided by the TATA motors.
Car Service Kms details Difference Kms
Ist Free Service 1941
2nd Free Service 5499 3558
Running Repairs 8053 2554
Running Repairs 9445 1392
Running Repairs 10868 1423
Running Repairs 12183 1315
3rd Free Service 15492 3309
Running Repairs 16853 1361
Running Repairs 17375 522
Running Repairs 23797 6422
Running Repairs 25903 2106
4th Free service 31420 5517
Running Repairs 43184 11764
Running Repairs 43378 194
We have done done 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Service in time and with in the Kms specified by the TATA Motors.
But, we have attend the VST Motors, Trichy Service station for the running repairs, repeated repairs and for unsolved repairs as detailed below:
Clutch plate worn out. clutch smell
steering Wobbling
Dust entering from Dicky door.
Wiper spray not working
Navigation problem
Slow pickup
Poor millage
Beep sound
Air bag indication
All the times, while we approach the TATA Motors for service, they have taken time of 7 to 25 days of time and change some spares and deliver the car with out proper solution.
With in 43, 000 kms, the clutch plates were worn out about 4 times, and we have suffered lot. that is for each and every 10, 000 Kms we have to change the clutch plate and spares for the amount of Rs.35, 000/- and wait at VST motors for 15 days.
As such, now the car completing its 2 years in great struggle, with a very low running kms of 43, 000. Now, the big question raising is, how we have to run the car for at-least further 3 years period or up to 2, 00, 000 Kms.
Now the car kms reading is 43378, and again the clutch plate worn out. The VST Service station, Trichy given an estimate for about Rs.42, 000/- to solve the problems by changing the new clutch system.
All are well known that the car is under warranty for 36 months or 1, 00, 000 Kms and we have paid the payment for extended warranty of further 2 years.
As such, we cant pay the payment for the estimate given by the VST Motors. We believe that the TATA motors will take immediate and effect full necessary action to solve the problems with in 5 days. At our experience with the TATA Aria car, the defects of clutch system, steering wobbling and navigation system cant be solved.