I had a experience with tata card its good whatever u have query plz call to cust care for result or visit in local area office.charges is same as last card company.
If u know ur bill date I think u will not levied on charges and also visit website to check ur statment or outstanding and also bank provides u online payment option so that u dont need to drop chq. any query please call cust care or mark a mail with full of your story so that they understand your problem.
Iknow result comes very late but defenatly result comes, visit website https://tatacard.com or cust care no. 18001808282 or write a mail customer.care@tatacard.com these are tata card contact no. so defenatly visit these site and contact there and inform your query.Dont think u will not get solution, u will get proper solution if u have patient and time.corparate with company, u will win