Tata Communication is one of the leading mobile operator in India. As its now formely called there product tata docomo. I have really interested in there offers whivh are really best compared to other operators in India. Even there customer care service service system is good. So now Question is What is poor?
Offcourse its there Management where they are really not interested to give there setvice in a better way. If we compare in karnataka, in there website it shows every where network but in our karnataka there network only Major cities and towns and if we go 3km far from the city, then there is a message calked emergency calls only. There Managed fooled me 100 times about ressolving the isdue saying we need 6 months of time dpecially in SIDDAKATTE town where population is so much but tata service 0. Really disappointed about there service and they are not shelling money for tural area specially. Must improve!