Tata.docomo.is popular network in india.coverage are best but some places are coverge not come.and automatically call.drop and 2g is not speedxin other networks 2g normal and 3g coverge are all over.india.here.tata docomo.best.operater
Coustmber service is normal high.speed not work.coustmber sercice.dayly three.time call to customber care and 4th time not conect call.castmber care are slowly sloy the problems
Tata docomo.have charges for 3g using high rate and cuted money.not refund are which one pack automatically seclect then money cut but customber care tell you are seleted and monry arecnot refund
Tata docomo.notcwork on 4g other networks have 4g but docomo.not.have