I have a tata docomo no. 7404247473 ( Haryana Circle). I am using this number for accessing internet on my laptop via personal hotspot in my Android Phone or iPhone, or sometime in USB modem device. I do not access internet on phones browser, but Smar tphones sometimes automatically checks for incoming mails or messages in phone.
I have got my phone recharged with TATA DOCOMOs 3G internet pack of Rs. 250/- in which they claim to provide 3G data usage of 1GB and further unlimited in 2G speed.
I get my balance deducted everyday, claiming I have downloaded an image, or activated a service or anything, which I have never done.
On contacting customer care, they say you have used the service so we cant do anything. I sent a message to PORT and they returned Rs. 23, and in the evening again it got deducted.
I call daily to the Customer Care, the raise a complaint no. daily, and give no resolution. I am fed up of talking to them everyday for hours, so writing here.
Customer Care has no permanent solution for my problem.
I contacted customer care on chat and see what he did:
{Deepak Bhatia} It is being raised daily, but tell me when have you provided the solution
{Maichel} Kindly wait for resolution date
{Maichel} Is there any thing else I may assist you with?
{Maichel} I am ending this conversation as there is no response from your end.Kindly get connected again if you have any other query. Thank you.
Fed up of those internet charges, I inserted my sim in an old NOKIA 1100 today, and you know what?
They charged Rs. 21 again on downloading Image from a paid site..
Ohh great.. I used internet on NOKIA 1100.. WOW !!
Really, I want to sue them. Can anyone please tell me the procedure, Please.
Suggest me guys what shall I do now.
Deepak Bhatia