PLEASE SIGN this petition for the extremely disappointing Internet services by Tata DoCoMo!
Here is the context:
Tata DoCoMo offers Internet services. For many of us internet services are an indispensable means during out professional or personal work.
However, the quality of services by them are extremely disappointing - to say the least.
Daily connection-drops, periodic outages, account lock-outs and virtually NO RESPONSE from their technical team. Even worse, no response from their Appellate Authority team as well!
The above issues have and are affecting our professional work; both in terms of loss of productivity and monetarily. Its extremely frustrating!
This petition is to protest against the EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING and UNACCEPTABLE QoS by Tata DoCoMo.
Further, this petition is to lodge a join-complaint by all the signees of this petition in the Consumers Court for immediate resolution, and to demand compensation for the loss caused in our professional work.