Hi, when I first saw the add of DOCOMO I was impressed. And then when I saw the pricing I was like wow man….I need to have this. People did tell me not to go for it. But then I told myself “Hey! No harm in trying it right”. And there I took the decision to take the number.
2nd of December I spent close to 2 hrs discussing the plans and selecting the number with the sales executive who had come home. Next day I had the number of my choice delivered to me at home (activated) by the manager himself. I was overjoyed that I had taken the decision of taking the connection.
But then, what did I know that it was just a good trailer of a flop movie.
5th of December I get a call for verification. Part of the process so I say “No issues take the details”. 8th I get a call again for verification. Kind of shocking. I informed that it’s already done. The agent said sorry and disconnects even before I could react. 10th, 12th, 15th I get calls again.
This irritated me and I logged a complaint. The team calls and apologizes for the inconvenience and ensured it won’t be repeated. 10 mins later I get the verification call again. There you go…..it will never happen again. I get at least one call in 2 days for verification. Great start DOCOMO.
May be this was not enough; my friends started complaining that I do not respond to their messages. Strangely I never got those SMS. I tried sending a SMS using my brothers mobile and the SMS never reached my inbox. I thought there might me a problem with the phone. I switched the instrument and tried again. The SMS never reached. Realizing it could be a network issue I called the so called “Customer Care”. And the story of the GOOD service began again.
The call was taken by one Mr. Sai Yadav. The call was opened with the usual script and the verification was done. During this the executive mispronounced my last name. Guess what happened next, Mr. Yadav got angry that I corrected him with MY name. What did I know that one cannot correct someone with their name? And the result, I was dealt rudely. The very next statement of the executive conveyed the message that he did not like me – “Ah fine fine.
Tell me what your problem is?” When I did not like the tone and asked if he could transfer the call to some one else the response was that he cannot transfer the call and I have to tell him about the problem. And if I was not comfortable I could disconnect the call and call again. This triggered my anger and I demanded for his employee id. The next statement was a huge shock. He informed me that the employee id was his “Personal” information and cannot be shared. This made me ask for the TL.
The call was now taken by Mr.Asit Kumar. The treatment here was no different. Even he informed that he cannot share his employee id and kept repeating only one statement – “I apologize”. I believe this is the only training given to the executives by TATA – for everything just reply “I apologize”. Few minutes of talk with the person I get to know he is not a TL. This was another surprise. Now he claimed that he was just a supervisor and not a TL. I demanded for the call to be transferred to a TL. My demand was accepted and I was placed on hold for the call to be transferred. However the call never reached the TL as it was disconnected, or should is say Dropped (in the terms of the TATA executives).
Few minutes later I did get a call from the TL (Mr. Srinivas). And the only thing I kept hearing was “I apologize”.
He did inform that feedback would be taken and my problem will be resolved and gave me a transaction id (8143143445).
As expected, nothing has happened till date. The problem still exists. I did get a verification call (AGAIN). My messages still don’t reach me. And for sure the executives still continue to give the EXCELLENT service in the name of CUSTOMER CARE.
Thanks to all this I would never recommend TATA DOCOMO to anyone that I know.