Folks I found that tata docomo sim users are being cheated by service provider.
The disable the network during night times , so that no once can reach you if a person calls you they will get a message the phone is switched off while its not, some times they just disable the sim during night for one or two hours.
Its not the case for every one specially who uses phones in night time frequently but for those who dont use it in night time on daily bases.those who are suffering from this need to turn off their phone and turn it on again then they will get calls and messages else the person is calling you will get the phone is switched off.
also there is no record of sms which are suppose to be sent on a number, I mean the user wont get the message even if a person is sending it in front of you.
Also the customer care is the worst part.
if you file a complain you will not be able to reach them back to atleast 2 days you will here a message all the customer care executives are busy you can drop an email. let me know if any one else have noticed this.
Also whenever you call then and complain they will disconnect the call or say we are transferring but they never do it ultimately ur call will be disconnected and u will not be able to catch them for 2 days