I had penned a review on Tata Docomo service in Bangalore earlier. That time I had expressed how unsatisfied I was with Docomo.
The issues I had then still persist and absolutely NO effort has been taken to rectify them. My ISD messages (though Im charged Rs 5 for every one) still doesnt reach any of the recipients (oh ... but I do get a delivery success report on the phone), and I still dont get any sms they send me. Not to mention that their network still has issues in providing a seamless connectivity.
Now heres the new problem. As of today morning (5th Nov 2009), I am unable to make any outbound calls or send any sms at all. Docomo has barred my service stating that I have to resubmit my address proof. They claim that when they called me for verification, something was not verified.
Well, when they called, my wife (we got married in September 2009) picked up the call, and being new to house was not able to verifiy some small detail (I believe she wasnt able to give the address in the correct order). But she pretty much gave the address as best as she knew it.
She asked them to call back when Im there at home. After that we never received any communication from them and we thought the matter was resolved. I continued using the service despite bad connectivity and billing issues, hoping that they would soon rectify it. Today, when the connection was barred, I called customer service who first said they would ask a supervisor/senior to call me within half an hour. Ofcourse I never got the call, and when I called back and requested for a supervisor, I was very rudely told that they will do nothing till I submit the required documents again.
I have had enough with Docomo. Infact I have had enough to do with anything to do with Tata. If one service is bad, I can assume the rest to be too. Im going to terminate my connection. Sad part is, I had just recharged my account with Rs 333 just two days ago, and I still have Rs 269 balance on my prepaid account. I am going to just write off that amount as I have absolutely no hopes that Tata Docomo will make any effort rectify any of my issues, and am not going to burn precious fuel to go to their outlet and resubmit what ever they want.
The one paise per second billing has been adopted by other service providers too. I can guarantee that Tata docomo will not survive long if this is the quality of their service.
My advice to fellow consumers .... "Do not buy a Tata Docomo connection. Do not recommend Tata Docomo to any one else. You will not get a resolution to any of your problems and you will be plagued with network issues and not so polite customer support."I for one believe that I should my moneys worth .... Docomo is not worth even one paise.
Id advice you to go for Airtel ... Ive been with Airtel for over ten years ... and have to say they put up a very good effort in ensuring their customer is happy. (oh, and now they too have a one paise per second billing option available.)
Sad ... I never thought Id have to give such a poor review about something which was floated by Tata. I admire the man ... he has great vision and is one of the reaons for Indias global recognision. Proud to be from the same country as he is. However, Tata and his team are a long long way off in making Docomo a good customer experience.