I received a message "Special 3G offer just for you! Recharge with Rs. 201 and get extra 2GB 3G Data for 30 days. Recharge today, extra benefit will be credited in 48 Hrs." I have used Tata Docomo for 3 years and never had any problem with their services or offers but this one was deceiving. The 3G pack which is available for 246/- is fantastic @ 600 MB + 150 TT. Since I wanted extra data, I thought Ill utilize this 201/- too, but it was such a waste of money.
What exactly happens when you recharge with this offer is that you cannot download any data or upload any file. It is simply a browsing data worth 2GB which one can never finish up in 30 days when they have restrictions to download / upload and sites we visit.
Otherwise, Tata Docomo is fantastic. One email will resolve any kind of issues we have. I use their 3G pack with Nokia PC Suite and download and upload data with complete satisfaction.
I am just not satisfied with this offer, ill have to wait for 30 days to renew with normal 246 package.