Tata DOCOMO is an Indian cellular service provider on the GSM, CDMA and platform-arising out of the strategic joint venture between Tata Teleservices
in November 2008
Its beginning so good, few year before company provide good services and plan are also so good .
but if u look thats services this time . so you not compare or think whats they do with its self . much customer unsatisfied .
Tata docomo call rate are good and tariff are not so costly . they also offer economical combo plan .
on some area services are some good
Default;- present time there services are so bad . they give more attractive services but not so useful and also not give much benefit
tariff are cost effective but services are poor .
problem on network coverage, call and also data speed also not so good .
services support . sari company ke care ek jaise hai . . net ki problem they not solve . network coverage they not solve .
bs phone off on kr lo .
tariff low hai pr network bakwass hai