I am using Tata Docomo science 2010 and I am really satisfied with their connection. Before using Tata Docomo I was Reliance user but got frustrated with its connection problem and decided to change my connection. That time Tata Docomos plan was good for me and started using it.
The primary plan was each call 1paisa/ 1 second and docomo to any tata 1 paisa/ 3 second . Not only that there was also offers on s.m.s . Perday there was 100 s.m.s free(only first two s.m.s costs 60 paisa each and then 98 free) . I got all these offers as my life time offers.
Now talking about the connections I really think it is much much better than my previus connection and their rang of connection is also good even in village side I got good network coverage. Till now I am using the same connection. While studying I was in Orissa I didnt face any problem with Tata Docomo. At Orissa Tata Docomo is too good and maximum college student are using Docomo not only that they give good offers but also for their nice connection.
You cant expect service like Airtel or Vodafone from Tata Docomo because they provide good service but they are too costly but at cheap rate they are really not just good they are the best.