Just to warn other customers to be careful of the mobile service providers wherein they deduct money from the prepaid accounts without the knowledge of the customers.
Just to explain the circumstances and an experience, I received an SMS from TATA DOCOMO at 6.19 P.M. on 17th April 2011 that Rs. 30.00(Rupees thirty only) has been deducted from my prepaid account as I have subscribed to their SHERO-SHAYARI service which came as a surprise to me as I had not subscribed to it. Immediately I called up their customer care and complained to them at 6.23 P.M. and the call agent confirmed that it was a wrongful deduction and that it would not happen again! At 6.29 P.M. I received a message that the said wrongful deduction of Rs. 30/00(rupees thirty only) has been credited to my account and that my complaint for wrong deduction has since been closed under reference number GBL 099471809. What if I had not noticed this deduction? Quietly they would have made more money ripping me off!
TATA OR NO TATA everyone is in the game of ripping off unsuspecting customers in debiting the prepaid accounts without the knowledge of the customers and making stupendous amount of money in the bargain. I guess all the customers should start a movement against these unscrupulous mobile service providers that any subscription to services should be a subject of written confirmation from the customers and nothing else. No SMS based confirmation will do and they will continue to continue this unethical practice of ripping off unsuspecting customers and this matter has to be brought to the attention of TRAI(if it is of any use!).
With best wishes,
Jaffer Mohammed Sait