My name is Priya Reshma. I took a prepaid TATA DOCOMO number(9035658607)(SIM No.534111010194969). Obviously we have provided all necessary proof for this connection. But my number got disconnected after 2 weeks. I contacted customer care and on their request, I have checked with retailer, as per reatiler Tata Docomo has taken the all the submitted proof as retailer has acknowledge for the same.
I have called Tata Docomo customer care several times for 1 week, but no actions done even after calling Tata Docomo.I contacted Nodal as well as appellate officer took the call so casually and tell onlyI am sorry.seems like they dont have job to do other then only telling sorry.They act very irresponsive way. After a long altercation, He again asked to check with retailer. These people make customer mad.cheep rate Tata Docomo product comes with worst quality, Now I understand it!
They thought it to be a matter of Rs.100. But for me, Its my business, my clients I lost. I think, writing here would do some good to other consumers not to go for Tata Docomo with such worst customer service and which give only mental torture to customers. Also Some decent actions expected if any Senior officials of DOCOMO sees this complaint.