I want to try it running on biodiesel. any idea wheter it will work or not? Does it have rubber gaskets? as far as I know rubber is not compatible with biodiesel.
TATA Indica is excellent product spoiled by poor engine and pathetic service support. In city of Pune(Where I am staying!) they have only 6 service dealerships!. While Maruti have 60 or more of them what a irony! this is the land where tata manufactures TATA Indica. I cannot imagine how other regions are supported. TATA has two dealers BU Bhandari and Pandit Automotive I ahve tried both and thry suck! Not only poor relationship but I have received delivery twice when the car was not even washed.
Another problem with Indica is Tyres. the front weight puts lot of pressure on tyres which cause wear and tear in tyres. You have to keep on doing wheel balancing and wheel alignment on regular basis.
Overall I will rate india 5 on scale of 10