I own a 2002 Tata indica V2 (second hand). In the begning I was pleased with the car, but I started encoutering problems after 2 months. Some of the issues I have faced : (this will be true with most Indica users)
- Starting problem when the car is heated up:
Cause: Armature in the self started will not work properly if the engine has just done more than 10 kms.
Remedy: I got my self motor / starter serviced from a local guy and after 3 to 4 attemts and a battery change (my old battery was 2.5 yrs old) now it seems to have been resolved. Hope it wont re-visit in the near future coz I have had some deadly exp when the car would not start after my wife, 2 year infant and myself finish shopping and had to beg passers by give me a push. Even worst ask my wife to push if we dont find help. Now I have learnt a trick to park my car in a slop so that I dont have to ask my wife to push (just in case).
- Some strange noise from under the hood:
Cause: This will occur when the engine is cool its an irritating noise, this noise will dissappear once the engine is warm (but remember my point 1) . After repeated R&D I found out that this was coz of the dinamo belt. (I had to help the Dealer find out the issue)
Remedy: Had to tighted the belt that all. the noise is now gone.
- Pick up is slow when the AC is on.
Cause: If youre travelling at 20 Kmph speed and you have to go up a flyover you will HAVE to switch off the AC for a few secs before it can successfully take you over the flyover.
Remedy: no remedy have to live with this, but its still okay.
- Wheel drums issue:
Cause: Wheel disk will loose shape after a period of time, the dealer told me that this is coz the vehicle is heavy and even alloy / mag wheels may not help.
Remedy: Change the wheel disk, each disk will cost about 600/-
Also Id like to give my fellow Indica owners some tips on how to get more out of your indica.
Add 500 ML of 2T engine oil for every full tank of diesel. (2T oil like the one we use to mix in out 2 wheeler) this was recommended by the dealer and I have seen that the engine is much more smoother and I get slightly better performance and millage, try it there is no harm.
Start the car and allow the car to be on ideal for about 30 to 40 sec before you move the car, this will heat the engine and when you switch on the AC it will cool faster.
Try and park you indica in a slope (remember point 1)
Though I have had some bitter exp with my indica I have to say that I have enjoyed every KM I have put in the car. Its like my families second home. We have a winned if TATA can resolve the small issues that I have mentined above.
If I have to sum up my indiaca its a wonderful work horse.