I have bought this Indica DLS about 3 weeks back @ Bangalore from one of the best dealers here.My opinion follows:1. Meant for people who are looking at economy ONLY, I wouldnt suggest someone to buy this if he is looking for some comfort.2. Someone who is driving this should go regularly to the gym because you need extra strength to manage this monster, the accelarator, gear-shift is horrible!!3. Steering wheel is quite oddly placed and hence the road visibility is quite a pain.4. BIG PAIN to drive in the city with helluva traffic, youll have to lie down for sometime to gain your energy back after an hours drive.But honestly, if someone is looking for economy, THIS IS THE ONE TO GO FOR because it is giving me 14.5 KM/L in the city with the AC ON. Since its quite new, I am expecting the mileage to go up by another KM or so.Overall Rating: Good but only for people who need a car which will not give any shocking bills at the end of the month.Good Luck!!