Friends and fellow INDICA v2 diesel owners -------I have now done now about 19350km on my INDICA V2 DLS : MHO2-PA-7299 (Please read my review on my experience ) .
Basically diesel vehicles are far more reliable and believe me quite low on maintenance , if you take certain care of the car. If this is your first diesel car, then you must realize that a diesel vehicle is quite different than a petrol one. It is usually sluggish than its petrol counterpart and it most times have a lower torque under low rpm.( Meaning when you are starting from a stop or if are loaded and going uphill with AC on in slow moving traffic. It is a smart idea to switch off the Ac temporarily till you are thru the major block or the major ascent. Though the AC actually has far better performance in diesel, it takes away the punch from the engine in low speeds.( Even the volvo monsters from Nissan plying 40 odd passengers up and down highways switch their ACs off on an ascent. But you put it on overdrive and with the rpm above 1600 to 2100 , she really rocks.One of the most reliable and powerful performers on the highway . You would also get an average of 16km to 21km/lit however good or bad driver you may be. In the past 3 years of using a diesel cars ( I had a uno before ) I have observed a few things about a diesel car and I hope its useful to all you guys too.
1) Periodically have your air filter element cleaned by high air pressure. This can be done at your neighborhood tire puncture repair shop and also at the petrol pump. Metro streets are dusty as most roads are bad. The filter gets blocked and this Deprives the engine of an essential ingredient for combustion –AIR.RESULTING in lower mileage. And also the vehicle which, already has a poor torque under low RPM , feels even more sluggish. The filter is changed after 20000km or so accrording to the Company specifications, but after a while the thign gets so clogged that it is better to replace it.It costs only 150 Rs. or so so please change it more frequently.
Another option is to go for a K& N filter. This is expensive but damn GOODF.friends the air filter is more often than not ignored. VBut if it is maintined, this actually makes a difference in the feel of the vehicle apart from the saving IN FUEL COST.
2) Now another thing, you must have noticed that Indica diesel engine feels far smoother after the engine has warmed up. Now try this yourself and please let me know about your experience. When the car is cold in the morning. First time when you give heater and start the engine. Do not start moving immediately and do not start the AC. Keep it in idling For a few minutes at the idling. Please do not rev it . Let the engine warm up a little, At the default RPM before starting forward. And start the AC after you have covered a little distance. The car actually has a better low RPM torque every time you follow this ritual when you start the car first time in the day or when it is cold. Believe me, the car feels far more smoother , the engine noise is lower. And this actually increases your mileage. You can try it yourself. One day follow this simple procedure and the next day put on your AC immediately and give the drive soon as the engine barks to life. AND CHECK THE DIFFEReNCE YOURSELF ……………..
3) It also would help if you can have the car lifted on a jack and check if the wheels are free.4) Also use Extra mile / turbo / super diesel instead of ordinary diesel. The saving is more than the extra money that you pay and also it keeps your injectors free. And guys please let me know of your experience.
4) The engine oil quickly thickens in INDICA. So please use the fully synthetic oil from MOBIL / SHELL. This oil costs almost 4 times the normal oil but would last easily 12000 km and is great for your car engine life.
5) Alternately to reduce the friction and damage due to a thickened oil at say abut 3000km after change , its best if some oil treatment element is added to the oil. like ABRO PREMIUM OIL TREATEMENT. Costs only about 180Rs., this makes the engine sound smooth and really restores lost power. I highly recommend this. And it can be added to the oil during change as well.
6) Have the fuel filter drained off water and replace it if you still feel the loss of power even after an air filter change.
This should work for you too. regards