Some one told me that that their phone service sucks; I told them that their cars do too! After 2 years of valiantly holding on to my value for money acquisition (their supposedly high end INDICA petrol version with all power gizmos), I realized that my time has come to dump this piece of engineered marvel.
For two years I have lived patiently gone through failures of all kinds - complete exhaust systems (replaced in parts, twice - once free, and once paid), power window controls, fan controls, front wheel bearings..all kinds; but when at 42K kms, the timing belt broke (causing the usual damage inside the engine) last week, I felt the time has come to take my case to the community.
So if you are planning for your new car, and considering Indica as value for money, realize that the value will get eroded pretty fast over the next two years as you ratchet up humongous service bills. I have pleaded with my TATA service center, to escalate this issue with their management, but I am yet to hear back on any concrete steps.
At the least go get your timing belt checked and replaced, because god help you if it breaks when you are driving.
Sandip Maiti
Vice President - Marketing
Zycus Inc.
Mumbai, India.