I purchased my INDICA XETA GLS im march2007, because it had large space, getting in & out was easy for my elderly parents, & above all it was a large car for 3.06 lakhs only. The sweet story turned sour from 15 days down from here onwards.
I had to visit Tata motors garage who dont have care for their customers (they have a habit of dealing with truck drivers only), every month for a minor over here or their. later I lost my both or rear tyres, for lack of alignment at 10000 Km itself (they cant be realigned).
I then started thinking of disposing of, when one night I met with an accident on this Jan 4, 2009. though completely destroyed from front, the insurance company refused to make it a total loss when it genuinely deserved, for lack of any resale value. I sold my car for only Rs 38500/- & received 1.30, 000 as Cash loss settlement for the insurance company.
The only sweet thing for which today I remember my car is for the heavy & strong body, which literally saved me from being a casualty on that fateful night . Now if some body asks me abotu purchasing a car I suugest them to first check the resale value of the vehicle he wishes to buy.