Indica V2 Turbo Diesel rocks. Hats off to the engineers at Tata Motors, they have taken every single feedback very seriously and made a world class gem of a car. I had V2 DLS before Turbo DLX and following are the improvements
Very powerful engine (Maximum Output 68 PS @4500 rpm and Maximum Torque 130 Nm @2500 rpm)
No load of AC on engine
Changed gear ratio makes city driving pleasure you can travel all the way from 15 Km to 50 Km in 3rd gear and engine will give you power the moment you want it.
Turbo charger rocks (It gives you a kick in back when you push the accelerator. Fills like Yamaha RX 135)
Good suspension and improved wheel size gives a stable and comfortable ride
Some other luxuries
Duel layer photo rear view mirrors - very useful for night driving
Adjustable headlight control (this is really amazing asset if you are doing highway driving at night) with more passengers
Sit belt indication (useful in Mumbai :D)
Key in door open (if ignition is on and you lock doors the doors will unlock automatically)
Delayed turn off lamp is good at night
Comfortable sits both in front and back
Defogger and rear wiper are good but they are there in other ‘less’ cars also
Very good cherry red color :D
About the dealer
B.U. Bhandari (Camp showroom) service is very good, committed and prompt.
Things I did not like
Only one reverse lamp indicator (they say it is for compliance and they also provide a fog lamp attachment there)
Only two speakers in company fitted audio system (come on don’t save 250 Rs please !!!)
One has to take care of turbo charger (keep the engine on ideal for 30 to 40 sec after starting and before stopping the engine)
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