Value for money vehicle. I have been driving this vehicle for last 5 years. It has never happened that I had to stand on the roadside due to unknown failure or malfunction. It is a reliable car. It is TATA’s first reliable vehicle. Prior to V2 generation, Tata Indica was a failure in the market.
Tata has always learned lesson about their product from on road performance. Tata have been reactive, but at least Tata is reacting. V2 excludes all the minus points from the legacy Indica. Here are few points as my personal experience with this car.
*Good Air-conditioning. Effective AC, even in Delhi’s hot summer
16km per liter with AC and 19+ w/o AC.
Roomy car.
First reliable machine from TATA.
Good power steering. Expected from TATA.
*Minus/Push backs
*- Grip on road is not very good. Steering wheel is not very responsive.
It is not a driver’s machine.
Lose wheel alignment often.
Suspension is a weak point.
Regular service will keep this vehicle fit.
Overall - Value for money.