Title : MY DADS CAR !
OK BY THE WAY I AM SUNIL FRM HYDERABAD. My dads first car was Tata Indica v2 gold colour. I was really happy that I dont need to experiment on my friends cars as I got my own 1 !
It was the year 2002 jan 21st. I cut the ribbon of that car. I daily used to take a ride with my driver it was smooth as it has a electronic power steering and a euro 2 engine.
1 month passed away easily. We were enjoying with our car very much, I remember there was 5 free services. The service was ok and 2500 for every visit to the service station. We thought the driver was not maintaining the car properly, and put a new driver. My father travelled very often to banglore in a sumo ( company provided ) I used to go with my dad and enjoy the ride in sumo. For the 1st time my car hit a blore highway.
It was really great when we touched the road only me and my dad. My dad maintained the speed 80 -90 ! We actually keep the journey in the nights. I love night journeys that too when it rains. My dad stopped in a place called jedcherla 3 hrs journey frm here ! frm there it was my chance to drive, so we eat and started. I filled the water pump and rushed to the seat as it was drizzling. Kurnool was 3 hrs from there.So coming to the technical part...
I always shift to the second gear very fast bcoz the engine tappets are so sensitive, you shouldnt rev the enginme more, and since then I shifted to the top. Heavy rain and the cars head light was really good and the vipers are even working fine. The A/C was good, my dad was sleeping and me and my music system and the road ... the suspension is a little hard and very good in top speeds, and I love the sound of the water slashing to the floor, the lorry drivers are so bad in india they dont even dip their lights!
But no problem for me , my car head lights can face those monsters in the nights ... the only problem with indica is when u own the A.C the cars performance will be reduced to nearly 20 %. Very bad isnt it? But the new v2 has solved the problem !
Hmmm going back to the old one, my car reached 120 , hey let me tell you in indica it is very hard to reach 100 but once it touches 100 u cant stop it from going more !
I did 145 nearly with my A.C off ! and slowed down to 45 and took me ages to go back to 120 !
Hahaha diesel cars are meant to be like that, and the engine is so smooth u cant hear the engine, and never ever bring down ur rear glasses at high speeds bcoz it decreases ur speed and loose ur control.
The avg mileage on highway was 18.5 and in city 15, that is not bad, and hey let me tell you one thing the tyres wear off soon bcoz of the bridgestone, but has good grip, hey this is not a review just a real life story ! plzzz dont comment anything, I just wrote it keeping my dad in mind !
plzzzzz u can comment anything good but plzzz no bad comments ! I have given a little info I think that will help you.
Thank you for spendng your time reading this review, byeeee Ill be with one more review on this car itself I know eash and every nut of this car ! see ya !