Hi all, my indica v2 is now a year old. It has done 10000 km in that period. 75% in the city and the rest on the highway. As of now there have been no problems in the car other than 2 minor ones. one is that the rear door handle got jammed post monsoon and had to be fixed. and the second was the windscreen washer jets got clogged and had to be cleaned. the pipe from the water reservoir to the jets also tends to bend and close so one needs to keep a check on that too. nothing major at all. As a matter of procedure I get my tyres checked for air pressure every 15 days and also get the air filter cleaned once in 45 days. cleaning the airfilter takes 2 min at any puncturewallah / service station. thy just blow high pressure air thru it. the amount of dust collected needs to be seen to be believed!!! was using regular diesel till 6 months ago and was gettin approx 17 as average (60% of driving with ac on). have now switched to the new super diesel (any brand - not particular), and the avg has gone up to almost 19. cost diff is approx 1 buck a liter and I think its worth it. thats all for now folks. c u soon in an 18 month update.