Having used the Tata Indica V2 DLS for over 45 months and 80, 000 kms, I thought this would be a good time to share my views on this car with fellow netizens.
I used this car mainly in Pune City, which is pretty crowded and has pathetic roads for the most part, but also had a fair share of long distance driving, averaging almost 2000 kms per month.
Fuel Economy: Excellent! I consistently got over 16 kms to the litre of Diesel( I always keep a bottle of Diesel Fuel Additives in the car) even within Pune city. On highways, I got in excess of 21 kms a litre.
Switching on / off the A/C, surprisingly hardly ever made a dent in the Fuel Economy.
Maintenance: If you maintain the Indica well, it costs quite little. I routinely got it serviced every 4 months, and ended up spending an average of just Rs 6000 - 10000 per year on parts and labour.
Reliability: In over 3 years, I never had a chance to complain.
Power / Pickup: Great for a car of its size. Easily outperforms most Class B petrol cars too in pickup.
Recently, I have started having trouble with the starter refusing to crank the engine to a start once stopped after the engine was at healthy working temperature. Meaning, if I drive down somewhere(over 10 kms) and park to go shopping / for some work, it refuses to start unless I give it at least 2 hours to cool down. If I need it to start any sooner, id better have parked on a good slope or have someone push the car to it starts.
Driver Comfort was not exactly a high priority when the car was designed.
Wheel Damage: If you dont spot speed breakers / pot-holes in time to slow down over them or avoid them, you can be assured that one or more wheel rims have been hit, and have been damaged. This pushes up your wheel balancing / alignment bills, and even excessive tyre wear and tear.
Rear Tyre Punctres not easily detected: A flat rear tyre is usually pretty hard to detect in the Indica V2 Diesel cars. On smooth roads, especially if you have the A/C on, you end up driving for miles before you realize the loss of power is not because of just the A/C. On bumpy roads, it is a lot easier to detect a flat tyre, but the damage is quickly done. You have most probably just earned yourself a few more dents in the affected wheel rim.