Hi All,
I had been a regular visitor of all the reviews of Indica Xeta. My main concentration earlier was to get the feedback on the performance of the car but now it has diverted to the dealer satisfaction.....
Just to let you know that I am a owner of Indica Xeta . I bought this car 7 months back and believe me its a value for money car.. the performance wise its grt feeleing... I had a very long drive of around 550 Kms one way and only I drove the car.. the comfort and all other aspects including the mileage were grt ( I got 16.73 km/ltr on highway with 15% AC on)....
Looking at all reviews I can definately make out that the car has very less pbs (even though there is scope for improvement)... but the pb lies with the dealers.. Then I tried get the data from this site only abt the pbs that people are facing with dealers.... The one thing that I could find out is that there is not a single review which says that there is a dealer pb in Pune (even though Pune has got 2 dealers)... Also since I am from Pune I got a grt service from the dealer (BU Bhandari)... So the pb is with dealers outside Pune especially the north and south zone....
Here I would like to mention that there are processes to make sure that dealers dont frustate you and you get a good service..
Here we all can make out some approach so that we can get rid of such pbs (even I dint faced any pb, being a supporter of Tata I would like to initiate this)....
The approach here I would like to suggest is
Step 1 : Get the information about the complaints that go directly to TML body.. (I think amohan can help us in this and also I will try to find out some contacts in TML Pune)
Step 2 : Lodge a complaint about the specific dealers those are harrasing the customers.
Step 3 : Keep everyone in the loop so that we solve the root cause...
Frieds I know that Tatas really need to improve on their dealer satisfaction but to do this the operating body in TML should get the proper infomation... Also since Xeta is a good car, I dont want people to just get away from Xeta only because of the dealers.. So let us get the things rolling and pls pour in the suggestions.. Since I am in Pune only and I can find out the means of contacts in TML (Since I work for TCS Pune) let us work together and solve this pb...
Just a last word.... Friends Indica Xeta is not just one of the cars to be rejected... So let us try and solve this pb..