Hey guys,
I am the proud owner of the first Xeta on road in Bangalore.I purchased XETA GLS (Salsa Red) on 30 Jan, 2006.
Must say that , I chose correctly and have no repantance for It.
The engine is very smooth and the AC is such tht no other hatchback can compete with.
Best for city Drive.
The gearshift is a bit notchy , and the power steering is still not so smooth and refined.
I must say that the battery is very powerful because my music system is fitted with a 1300 watts sub woofer and the batterry shows no sign of fatigue till say 3 hours but remembers, there is no problem in starting.
The torque of 12.4 KGM helps a lot in the bumper to bumper city traffic of bangalore.
The other day it rained heavily in bangalore and there was this 3 feet ware on the road and had to cross it . I was a bit scared in the begginning that since this is a petrol car it might stop in middle but some how Slow and steady wins the race.
The service I must say is very irresponsive here. I blame it on Tata that they bought in new cars and sold many but tdid not improve the service sector proportionately. Now that they have taken the servicing of fiat its gonna be a tough job to do I guess
Overall its a much better car than Swift when ur ignoring mileage .
SO FAR SO GOOD XETA. I am proud of u . JAI HIND