Have been owner of Indica Xeta ( Petrol) Since 2006. The car has powerful engine of 1465 CC. AC is powerful and Car is spacious and has wonderful road grip at higher speeds.
The car has MPFI system and the engine sensors have access to computer console (a connector) below drivers next seat. The car " tells" its performance through a scanning software.
The drawback : Do not try to fit a CNG/LPG kit from external agency. There are no sensor system for non company fitted gas kit, sensors are bye passed by the Gas fitters, and there starts the trouble to the HEART of the car ( Microprocessor console) . The sensor starts malfunction or the console is burnt due to reverse currents coming to the controller, spoiling the mileage on Gas or Petrol. Finally replacement of console for Rs 15, 000/-.
If company offer gas fitted car check out with them whether the Gas sensor are there in the engine. or else go ahead with Pure Petrol version.
Pick on Petrol is amazing. Cooling is within 2-6 minutes on full load. The back seats are fold-able in pair of 1:2.
Over all comparison with equivalent cars " A Car for rough and tough people ".
External looks are like a wild. Internals semi luxury feeling.