Hello to all xeta owners and also prospective xeta owners, I am raghunath, I booked xeta1.2 GVG(salsa red) in nov 2006, but I got the delivery on 18 dec 2006, I fell in love with the car when I first saw xeta at the VAAHAN YATRA in nov 2006 in bangalore.
It was like I came, I saw, and xeta conquered me.till today I have drove around 2800 kms. My usage of the car was on weekends, but I get tempted to take the car on the road everyday, earlier I had matiz, maruti zen and maruti 800, but xeta gives me the pleasure of driving. Overall its an ALL IN ONE CAR. The one area where the Tatas have to improve is the product finishing like Suzuki or the Hyundai.Space and Interiors are good in Xeta, If the cars fuel efficency is increased by 2-3 kms/pl in the city driving, I think Tatas can overtake santros sales by another 2 years.