Hi Friends,
Here we go again. This is my second review on the same topic or rather and update, but I had to create a new Id all over again.
Well, I am the proud owner of a month old (1 month & 11 days to be precise) an Indica Xeta GLS of 1.4L. I had posted a review here some time back titled ’Indica Xeta Engine Overheats’ on Nov 7, 2006. By answering some of the queries mentioned in the reviews, I would also be updating my above mentioned review here.
As mentioned my beauty is about 1 month old and I have driven about 1000 kms so far. I had taken the vehicle for long drives on two instances and here are my observations:
First and foremost, there is no noise in the engine compartment. It purrs and absolutely quiet. Many a times, during signals, I have stepped on the accelerator to check if the engine’s on or not, this is without A/c and with windows rolled down, mind you. This is in response to the query raised by srinath_mys.
The review of mine on Engine overheating is now solved without any action from my side on it. This may have been because of the new engine as suggested by some of my friends on this site. The temperature needle is now stable at 25% on the meter in the city and in the highways, also. Thanks for the advice/suggestions, friends!!!
The vehicle is great on highways. During my first long trip to Tirupathi, the vehicle sat firmly on the ground without a single vibration or a wobble, at high speeds. The steering handling was beautiful and even the ghats were perfect to handle. My second trip was to Mantralaya (Andhra) very recently and this time also I had no problems in handling the car. Some parts of the route, (the national highway and the state highway) were in a dilapidated condition but the suspension took care of it without troubling me. The power steering, I felt was very nice and I had no strains in maneuvering the potholes and often mud roads, also.
Mileage during the first trip was around 15 and the second time I got 18. This difference in mileage is not known to me and presume it might be because of the ghats in my first trip. Both the trips we were four in number and the same people also. The A/c was used intermittently.
’CHIKKARAJUSK’ seems to be a great fan of Maruti and has been canvassing for them. Let me tell you, that this is my fourth car and all of my earlier ones have been Maruti’s. I have been driving from the past 18years and have driven almost all the cars in this segment. The handling and the comfort I have experienced in Xeta is uncomparable to Maruti or any other car again in this segment. I would like him to prepare a matrix in comparison with Xeta as to how the Marutis fare better than our beloved Xeta.
Recently, my friend wanted to buy a Baleno or an Esteem. We visited a couple of showrooms in Bangalore and were pissed off with the dealer’s attitude and the pathetic interiors of the Maruti Cars. He had to drop the idea of purchasing a Baleno because of this and also the existing Baleno is going to be stopped. The new model is expected to come in Jan-Feb 2007. The dealers argued that it cannot and will not be stopped. When I told them that I have seen the photo of the new Baleno, they just sculked away.
Final verdict, its Xeta all the way!!! I am in love with my beauty and has become a part of my family and life.
Take Care,